About the project

The ioPartecipo+ website of the Emilia-Romagna Region aims to connect citizens and Public Administration. 
Citizens, governments, companies and associations can actively contribute to regional policy-making. 
Every policy is implemented through different stages: analysis, planning, implementation and final evaluation. 
In some regional policies the participation processes are initiated by selecting ways to involve citizens, inviting them to discuss in “virtual rooms”. 
Every “virtual square” is dedicated to a participation process, and it is configured as a public space in which people can share information, discuss ideas and propose solutions. 
To participate quickly and easily, you can visit the ioPartecipo+ homepage and click on “Accedi e partecipa”  using your Facebook, Gmail, Linkedin or Twitter account. Or you can register with, the authentication system of the Emilia-Romagna region. 
In the “virtual squares” you will find various information tools, for example documents and multimedia galleries, that explain the topics of discussion. 
You can read other users’ opinions on blogs, and join in yourself. Polls and surveys allow you to choose from different options and vote for your favorites. 
ioPartecipo+ represents an opportunity to talk and listen to the citizens and to create a closer relationship with them. It also aims to support the participation processes and the active involvement of citizens. 
If you don’t want to miss any updates, follow us on Facebook , Twitter and Youtube.

Download the slides "Participatory policy making platform in the region of Emilia-Romagna" (pdf13.57 MB)

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